Tigers return from another tour in Afghanistan

Tigers return from another tour in Afghanistan

Since 2008 Belgium is participating in the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) operations from NATO in Afghanistan. Initially with four F16’s and now operating with six F16’s, this Belgian participation called “Operation Guardian Falcon” (OGF) is currently still ongoing and our presence shows that a small country can also share the burden by taking its part of the responsibility as a reliable NATO member. The […]

Tigers over Lybia – Mission accomplished!

Tigers over Lybia – Mission accomplished!

On March 19th the US, France, UK and their allies unleashed the full strength of their air and naval power on the Lybian leader Moammar Khadaffi. It was the start of operation Oddyssee Dawn, which would later turn into operation Unified Protector under NATO command. On March 21st Belgian F-16’s flew their first mission and it quickly became clear to us that sooner or later […]

31 Squadron combines operations with NATO Tiger Meet 2011 at Cambrai

31 Squadron combines operations with NATO Tiger Meet 2011 at Cambrai

This years edition of the Nato Tiger Meet took place at Cambrai Air Base in France, starting on the 9th of May 2011. The meeting was destined to be a significant one for several reasons: it’s the NATO TIGER ASSOCIATION’s 50th birthday, 31 Fighter Bomber Squadrons 60th birthday and the last meeting for French host squadron EC 01.012 “Cambrésis”, that will be disbanded at the end of the year.